a rosary 意味

  • a rosary


  1. the thing riko wants you to steal is a rosary .
    盗んできて欲しいのはね ロザリオなの
  2. it's kind of like a rosary , but different .
  3. (he has five-prong pestles on his right hand and a rosary in his left hand .)
  4. it has been told that masamune might have embraced the christianity himself since there was a rosary among his relics .
  5. this is regarded as the supreme secret ceremony of the shingon sect , and religious articles (法具 ) such as a rosary , five-pronged pestles , a stole and others , which are used in ascetic training , were brought by kukai (kobo-daishi ) from tang (china ).


        rosary:     rosary n. ロザリオ, じゅず; ロザリオの祈り. 【動詞+】 carry a rosary じゅずをもっている say the rosary (ロザリオの)祈りを唱える. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a Buddhist rosary 仏教のじゅず. 【前置詞+】 finger the beads of one's rosary じ
        (buddhist) rosary:    (Buddhist) rosary 数珠 じゅず
        beads on a rosary:    じゅず玉
        buddhist rosary:    仏教{ぶっきょう}の数珠{じゅず}
        rachitic rosary:    rachitic rosary くる病じゅず[医生]
        rosary bead:    《医》ロザリオビーズ
        rosary murders:    {映画} : 《The ~》殺しのロザリオ◆米1987
        bid one's rosary:    〈古〉数珠{じゅず}をつまぐって祈念{きねん}する[祈りをささげる]
        count one's rosary:    〈古〉数珠{じゅず}をつまぐって祈念{きねん}する[祈りをささげる]
        rosary (pt: rosario):    rosary (pt: rosario) ロザリオ
        say one's rosary:    〈古〉数珠{じゅず}をつまぐって祈念{きねん}する[祈りをささげる]
        tell one's rosary:    〈古〉数珠{じゅず}をつまぐって祈念{きねん}する[祈りをささげる]
        a rorschach test:    〔心理〕 ロールシャッハテスト 《インクのしみのような模様を解釈させ, 性格などを判断する》
        a rope snaked down over the rocks and i grabbed it:    ロープが岩肌をはうようにくねりながら下がってきたので私はそれをつかんだ
        a rose about to blow:    咲きかけたバラの花
        a rope runs through a pulley:    ロープは滑車を上下する.


  1. "a rope of sand" 意味
  2. "a rope of three strands 3" 意味
  3. "a rope runs through a pulley" 意味
  4. "a rope snaked down over the rocks and i grabbed it" 意味
  5. "a rorschach test" 意味
  6. "a rose about to blow" 意味
  7. "a rose bed" 意味
  8. "a rose bush" 意味
  9. "a rose garden" 意味
  10. "a rope snaked down over the rocks and i grabbed it" 意味
  11. "a rorschach test" 意味
  12. "a rose about to blow" 意味
  13. "a rose bed" 意味

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