the thing riko wants you to steal is a rosary . 盗んできて欲しいのはね ロザリオなの
it's kind of like a rosary , but different . ロザリオみたいでしょ
(he has five-prong pestles on his right hand and a rosary in his left hand .) (五鈷杵(ごこしょ)を右手にもち、左手には念珠をもっている)
it has been told that masamune might have embraced the christianity himself since there was a rosary among his relics . 遺品にロザリオがあったことなどから、政宗は密かにキリスト教に帰依していたのではないかと伝わっている。
this is regarded as the supreme secret ceremony of the shingon sect , and religious articles (法具 ) such as a rosary , five-pronged pestles , a stole and others , which are used in ascetic training , were brought by kukai (kobo-daishi ) from tang (china ). 真言宗最高の秘儀とされ、修法で使用する念珠・五鈷杵(ごこしょ)・袈裟などは、空海(弘法大師)が唐(中国)より持ち帰った法具である。