- 講演者に感謝決議をしてその会は閉会を告げた
a vote of thanks to the lecturer brought the meeting to a close 意味
- "a votary of the goddess" 意味
- "a vote" 意味
- "a vote for our party is a vote for stability" 意味
- "a vote is required to decide the issue" 意味
- "a vote of assent" 意味
- "a vote of thanks was passed" 意味
- "a vote-catching policy" 意味
- "a vote-catching slogan" 意味
- "a vote-seeking politician" 意味
- "a vote is required to decide the issue" 意味
- "a vote of assent" 意味
- "a vote of thanks was passed" 意味
- "a vote-catching policy" 意味