a while later 意味

発音を聞く:   a while laterの例文
  • a while later


  1. it is a while later that the store opening crowds . yes .
    出店が混むのは もう少し後だ。 うむ。
  2. a while later , he tracked you down again
    しばらくして またあんたに会いに
  3. gensai returned a while later holding the head of the shogun ' s retainer who was being talked about .
  4. after fall of the toyoyomi family , he was secluded in kyoto for a while; later he served for nagaakira asano; it is said that his descendants kept remaining as feudal retainers of the hiroshima clan .


        little while later:    《a ~》しばらくして
        only a short while later:    ほんのしばらく後に
        some short while later:    少し経って
        later:    later 後出 こうしゅつ 後日 ごじつ ごにち 追って おって 後の方 あとのほう 後 あと
        later on:    later on 後程 のちほど
        or later:    以降{いこう}
        a while:    a while 一寸 鳥渡 ちょっと 稍 やや
        for a while:    for a while 一頻り ひとしきり
        in a while:    すぐに、間もなく、しばらくすれば、少したって、しばらくの間 You haven't been out here in a (little) while, have you? しばらくこっちの方に来てなかったね。 I'll get it in a (little) while. すぐにそれを取りに行きます。
        while:     1while n. (短い)間. 【動詞+】 Give me a while to think about it. それについて考える時間を少し下さい I'll need a while to think about your proposal. あなたの提案を考える時間が少し必要だ I spent a while in a coffee shop.
        while at in:    在学中に
        as described later:    後述のように
        at a later date:    後日{ごじつ}、後の日付けで◆【略】ALD
        at a later date in:    後日{ごじつ}_月に
        at a later meeting:    後の会談で


  1. "a whiff of chloroform came through an open window" 意味
  2. "a whiff of honeysuckle in the air" 意味
  3. "a whiff of smoke rose from the chimney" 意味
  4. "a whiff of whisky on one's breath" 意味
  5. "a while" 意味
  6. "a whimper of pleasure" 意味
  7. "a whimpering baby" 意味
  8. "a whimsical fancy" 意味
  9. "a whimsical idea" 意味
  10. "a whiff of whisky on one's breath" 意味
  11. "a while" 意味
  12. "a whimper of pleasure" 意味
  13. "a whimpering baby" 意味

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