a word in season 意味

発音を聞く:   a word in seasonの例文
  • a wórd in séason


        word in season:    時宜{じぎ}にかなった言葉{ことば}[助言{じょげん}?忠告{ちゅうこく}]
        season word or phrase (in haiku):    season word or phrase (in haiku) 季 き
        word spoken in season:    時宜{じぎ}にかなった言葉{ことば}[助言{じょげん}?忠告{ちゅうこく}]
        (in haiku) word or theme which indicates a season:    (in haiku) word or theme which indicates a season 季題 きだい
        for a season:    しばらくの間
        in season:    in season 食べ頃 たべごろ
        not the season for:    ~には季節{きせつ}はずれで
        on season:    繁忙期{はんぼうき} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名?形} : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {副} :
        on-season:    {名?形} : シーズン中(の)、かき入れ時(の)、繁忙期{はんぼうき}(の) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {副} : シーズン中に、かき入れ時に、繁忙期{はんぼうき}に
        season:     1season n. 季節; 時季, 期間; 出盛り時, 旬(しゅん); 活動期, シーズン; 好機. 【動詞+】 They began the season one man short. 選手が 1 人足らないままシーズンを始めた The Yankees closed the season with a win. ヤンキーズは最後に 1 勝をあげてシーズンを締めく
        season for:    season for 出盛り でさかり でざかり
        season in:    season in シーズンイン
        the season:    the season 折り節 折節 おりふし
        this season:    this season 今季 こんき
        to season:    to season 味を調える あじをととのえる


  1. "a word from her dramatically influenced their appraisal of the applicant" 意味
  2. "a word greatly in vogue some years ago" 意味
  3. "a word here may be in order" 意味
  4. "a word in closing" 意味
  5. "a word in everyday use" 意味
  6. "a word in very frequent use in america" 意味
  7. "a word in your ear" 意味
  8. "a word of abuse" 意味
  9. "a word of advice" 意味
  10. "a word in closing" 意味
  11. "a word in everyday use" 意味
  12. "a word in very frequent use in america" 意味
  13. "a word in your ear" 意味

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