- 誤った判断{はんだん}[決断{けつだん}]を放棄{ほうき}する
abandon one's mistaken decision 意味
- "abandon one's hostile policy toward"の英語
- "abandon one's husband and children and go off with another man"の英語
- "abandon one's investment in"の英語
- "abandon one's land and livelihood"の英語
- "abandon one's military ambitions that depend upon weapons of mass destruction"の英語
- "abandon one's national missile defense plan"の英語
- "abandon one's nuclear arms program"の英語
- "abandon one's nuclear development program"の英語
- "abandon one's nuclear weapons programs"の英語
- "abandon one's land and livelihood"の英語
- "abandon one's military ambitions that depend upon weapons of mass destruction"の英語
- "abandon one's national missile defense plan"の英語
- "abandon one's nuclear arms program"の英語