abdicate the throne 意味

  • (王が)退位する、王位を捨てる、譲位する◆【用法】abdicate (from) the crown [throne]のパターンになり、from は省略可能


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. emperor suzaku took this opportunity to abdicate the throne .
  2. however , emperor hanayama was forced to abdicate the throne due to sekkan-ke who opposed such reform .
  3. although the emperor desired to abdicate the throne , it was not realized because of the economic condition of nobunaga
  4. furthermore , after the battle of sekigahara , ieyasu demanded that emperor goyozei , who had been pro-toyotomi , should abdicate the throne .
  5. soon after the great military parade in kyoto in 1581 , the wish to abdicate the throne was conveyed to nobunaga from emperor ogimachi .


        abdicate a throne for health reasons:    健康上{けんこうじょう}の理由{りゆう}で退位{たいい}する、健康上{けんこうじょう}の理由{りゆう}で王位{おうい}を捨てる、健康上{けんこうじょう}の理由{りゆう}で王位{おうい}を譲る
        abdicate from the throne:    (王が)退位する、王位を捨てる、譲位する◆【用法】abdicate (from) the crown [throne]のパターンになり、from は省略可能
        abdicate:     abdicate v. 退位する, 捨てる. 【副詞1】 The King abdicated voluntarily. 王は自ら退位した abdicate willingly 進んで退位する. 【+前置詞】 The Queen abdicated in favor of her son. 女王は退位して息子に王位を譲った.
        a throne:    a throne 御座所 ご座所 ござしょ
        on the throne:    《be ~》王位{おうい}に就いている、在位{ざいい}する
        the throne:    the throne 王位 おうい 帝位 ていい
        throne:     throne n. 王座; 王位, 帝位. 【動詞+】 abdicate the throne 退位する ascend the throne 王位につく, 即位する He captured the throne from his enemies. 敵から王位を奪った He returned in triumph to claim his th
        abdicate power:    権力{けんりょく}を明け渡す
        abdicate responsibility:    責任を放棄する
        abdicate the crown:    (王が)退位する、王位を捨てる、譲位する◆【用法】abdicate (from) the crown [throne]のパターンになり、from は省略可能
        abdicate willingly:    進んで退位{たいい}する
        abdicate all responsibility:    一切{いっさい}の責任{せきにん}を放棄{ほうき}する
        abdicate from the crown:    (王が)退位する、王位を捨てる、譲位する◆【用法】abdicate (from) the crown [throne]のパターンになり、from は省略可能
        abdication of the throne:    王位{おうい}を退くこと
        accede to the throne:    王位{おうい}に就く、王位{おうい}を継ぐ、即位{そくい}する、皇位{こうい}に就く


  1. "abdicate from the crown" 意味
  2. "abdicate from the throne" 意味
  3. "abdicate power" 意味
  4. "abdicate responsibility" 意味
  5. "abdicate the crown" 意味
  6. "abdicate to marry someone one loves" 意味
  7. "abdicate willingly" 意味
  8. "abdicated" 意味
  9. "abdicated queen" 意味
  10. "abdicate responsibility" 意味
  11. "abdicate the crown" 意味
  12. "abdicate to marry someone one loves" 意味
  13. "abdicate willingly" 意味

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