abdominal appendage 意味

発音を聞く:   abdominal appendageの例文
  • 腹肢


        appendage:     appendage n. 付属物; 付属器官. 【形容詞 名詞+】 He regarded music as a mere appendage to life. 音楽を生活の単なる添え物のように考えていた A computer system is a necessary appendage of any modern business office. コンピューター
        abdominal:    {名} : 腹、腹部{ふくぶ} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} : 腹の、腹部{ふくぶ}の I'm having abdominal pain, doctor. 先生、おなかが痛いんです。 ---------------------------------
        accessory appendage:    副付属器{ふく ふぞくき}
        appendage bud:    appendage bud 外肢芽[医生]
        appendage of the eye:    appendage of the eye 眼付属器[医生]
        appendage of the fetus:    appendage of the fetus 胎児付属物[医生]
        appendage of the skin:    appendage of the skin 皮膚付属器[医生]
        appendage task:    アペンデージ?タスク
        appendage to a book:    本の付録{ふろく}
        atrial appendage:    心耳{しんじ}
        auricular appendage:    心耳{しんじ}
        biramous appendage:    《生物》二枝型付属肢{にしがた ふぞくし}
        caudal appendage:    尾肢
        cephalic appendage:    頭肢
        cutaneous appendage:    皮膚付属器{ひふ ふぞくき}


  1. "abdominal aorta" 意味
  2. "abdominal aortic aneurysm" 意味
  3. "abdominal aortic aneurysmectomy" 意味
  4. "abdominal aortic plexus" 意味
  5. "abdominal apoplexy" 意味
  6. "abdominal area" 意味
  7. "abdominal bandage" 意味
  8. "abdominal belt" 意味
  9. "abdominal binder" 意味
  10. "abdominal aortic plexus" 意味
  11. "abdominal apoplexy" 意味
  12. "abdominal area" 意味
  13. "abdominal bandage" 意味

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