- 足の小指外転筋{しょうし がいてんきん}
abductor muscle of little toe 意味
- "abductor hallucis muscle" 意味
- "abductor muscle" 意味
- "abductor muscle group" 意味
- "abductor muscle of great toe" 意味
- "abductor muscle of little finger" 意味
- "abductor muscle of the vocal cords" 意味
- "abductor paralysis" 意味
- "abductor pollicis brevis" 意味
- "abductor pollicis brevis muscle" 意味
- "abductor muscle of great toe" 意味
- "abductor muscle of little finger" 意味
- "abductor muscle of the vocal cords" 意味
- "abductor paralysis" 意味