abilities 意味

発音を聞く:   abilitiesの例文
  • {名} : 能力{のうりょく}、才能{さいのう}、できること、手腕{しゅわん}
    She has the ability to do that job. 彼女はその仕事をする能力がある。


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. she's surprized by monami's amazing abilities .
    藻奈美の能力はすごいって 驚いてたんだぞ。
  2. that is why you , in your many skills and abilities
  3. and the other cortexiphan subjects' abilities
    ジョーンズはニックたち被験者の 能力を使い――
  4. and that we have cognitive abilities that allow us
  5. and i want you to think for each of these abilities
    みなさん ひとつひとつの能力に関して



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  2. "abilene" 意味
  3. "abilene christian university" 意味
  4. "abilene reporter-news" 意味
  5. "abilify" 意味
  6. "abilities wither under criticism; they blossom under encouragement" 意味
  7. "ability" 意味
  8. "ability and academic history of" 意味
  9. "ability as a politician" 意味
  10. "abilene reporter-news" 意味
  11. "abilify" 意味
  12. "abilities wither under criticism; they blossom under encouragement" 意味
  13. "ability" 意味

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