- A の B に対する付着能力{ふちゃく のうりょく}
ability of a to adhere to b 意味
- "ability learned from birth onwards" 意味
- "ability of a food to fill you up" 意味
- "ability of a physician to prescribe" 意味
- "ability of a rock to conduct water" 意味
- "ability of a sensory" 意味
- "ability of a to inhibit the growth of b" 意味
- "ability of a to kill b" 意味
- "ability of a video camera to hold a scene steady (lit: scene toughness)" 意味
- "ability of a wire to be shaped" 意味
- "ability of a rock to conduct water" 意味
- "ability of a sensory" 意味
- "ability of a to inhibit the growth of b" 意味
- "ability of a to kill b" 意味