ability of a to adhere to b 意味

  • A の B に対する付着能力{ふちゃく のうりょく}


        adhere:     adhere v. 付着する; 固守する, 忠実である. 【副詞1】 They adhered blindly to their leader. 盲目的にリーダーに従った We must adhere closely to (the) regulations. (その)規則を忠実に守らなければならない He doggedly adhered to his
        adhere to:    ~に付着{ふちゃく}する、~に固執{こしゅう}する、~にこだわる、~に従う、~に追随{ついずい}する、~に忠実{ちゅうじつ}である This plan will not work if we adhere to these guidelines. われわれがこれらのガイドラインに固執すると、この計画はうまくいかないだろう。 We must teach our children the impo
        to adhere:    to adhere 付く つく
        to adhere to:    to adhere to くっ付く くっつく
        ability of a to inhibit the growth of b:    A の B に対する増殖抑制能{ぞうしょく よくせい のう}
        ability of a to kill b:    A の B に対する殺傷能{さっしょう のう}
        adhere fundamentally to:    ~を基本的{きほんてき}に踏襲{とうしゅう}する
        adhere strictly:    金科玉条とする
        adhere tenaciously to:    ~にしっかりと付着{ふちゃく}する
        adhere to a decision:    決定{けってい}に固執{こしゅう}する、決心{けっしん}を絶対{ぜったい}に変えない
        adhere to a diet:    ダイエット[食事療法]の指示を忠実に守る Some people adhere to a diet and still remain fat, while others eat as much as they want but stay like string beans.
        adhere to a material:    素材{そざい}にこだわる
        adhere to a plan:    計画をあくまでも実行する
        adhere to a policy of:    ~の方針{ほうしん}[政策{せいさく}]にこだわる[に固執{こしゅう}する?を支持{しじ}する]
        adhere to a schedule:    計画{けいかく}[日程{にってい}?予定{よてい}]に従う


  1. "ability learned from birth onwards" 意味
  2. "ability of a food to fill you up" 意味
  3. "ability of a physician to prescribe" 意味
  4. "ability of a rock to conduct water" 意味
  5. "ability of a sensory" 意味
  6. "ability of a to inhibit the growth of b" 意味
  7. "ability of a to kill b" 意味
  8. "ability of a video camera to hold a scene steady (lit: scene toughness)" 意味
  9. "ability of a wire to be shaped" 意味
  10. "ability of a rock to conduct water" 意味
  11. "ability of a sensory" 意味
  12. "ability of a to inhibit the growth of b" 意味
  13. "ability of a to kill b" 意味

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