ability rating 意味

発音を聞く:   ability ratingの例文
  • 考課、能力評価


  1. there was no substantial difference among these three types of people , and population increases in the family registers associated with their registration reflected on the ability rating of the kokushi (provincial governors ) and gunji (local magistrates ) (kokaryo (regulation on the efficiency rating of government officials )) .


        rating:     rating n. 評価, 格付け; 視聴率; 支持率. 【動詞+】 chess players who attain the rating of grand master グランドマスターの格付けを得ているチェスのプレーヤー The car was awarded the highest rating in a recent test. その車は最近のテストで最高
        ability:     ability n. 能力, 技量, 手腕, 才能. 【動詞+】 admire sb's ability 人の能力を称賛する The drug affects the ability of the liver to function efficiently. この薬を服用すると肝臓が効率よく働かなくなる analyze sb's ability 人の能
        ability for:    《someone's ~》~に関する[対する](人)の能力{のうりょく}
        ability to:    《someone's ~》~する(人)の能力{のうりょく}
        aaa rating:    トップ格付け
        academic rating:    学術的評価{がくじゅつてき ひょうか}
        accuracy rating:    精度定格{せいど ていかく}
        amperage rating:    定格電流{ていかく でんりゅう}
        antiknock rating:    アンチノック性
        approval rating:    approval rating 支持率 しじりつ
        audience rating:    視聴率{しちょうりつ}、視聴率順位
        bond rating:    bond rating 債券格付け さいけんかくづけ
        brand rating:    ブランド知名度{ちめいど}
        categorical rating:    カテゴリー評定{ひょうじょう}
        cetane rating:    セタン価


  1. "ability of the heart to respond to" 意味
  2. "ability of the internet to handle the crush of demand" 意味
  3. "ability of the net to handle the crush of demand" 意味
  4. "ability olympics (lit: abi-olympics)" 意味
  5. "ability oriented payment system" 意味
  6. "ability required for" 意味
  7. "ability required to perform a particular job" 意味
  8. "ability test" 意味
  9. "ability to" 意味
  10. "ability olympics (lit: abi-olympics)" 意味
  11. "ability oriented payment system" 意味
  12. "ability required for" 意味
  13. "ability required to perform a particular job" 意味

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