- さまざまな人とうまくやっていく才能{さいのう}
ability to get along with different kinds of people 意味
- "ability to forget selectively" 意味
- "ability to form glycogen" 意味
- "ability to gather information" 意味
- "ability to gather votes" 意味
- "ability to get a bank loan" 意味
- "ability to get things done" 意味
- "ability to get through the details to the heart of a matter" 意味
- "ability to govern" 意味
- "ability to grasp" 意味
- "ability to gather votes" 意味
- "ability to get a bank loan" 意味
- "ability to get things done" 意味
- "ability to get through the details to the heart of a matter" 意味