able or shrewd or resourceful person
able or shrewd or resourceful person
resourceful person
: resourceful person 凄腕 すごうで
able person
: able person 働き手 はたらきて はたらきで
a shrewd or capable person
: a shrewd or capable person 敏腕家 びんわんか
person of shrewd ideas
: 鋭い考えを持つ人
: resourceful 才略の有る さいりゃくのある
to be resourceful
: to be resourceful 機知に富む きちにとむ
able and virtuous person
: 才徳兼備の人
able bodied person
able-bodied person
: 健常者{けんじょうしゃ}
person who is able to communicate
: コミュニケーション能力{のうりょく}のある人
sharp and able person
: sharp and able person 切れ者 切者 きれもの
: shrewd adj. 抜け目のない. 【副詞】 I flatter myself that my first judgments are usually fairly shrewd. 私の最初の判断はたいていの場合かなり鋭いと自負している. 【+前置詞】 shrewd at bargaining 取引のうまい shrewd in business
to be shrewd
: to be shrewd 切れる きれる
gain the confidence to be able to get on well with any person
: 誰とでもうまくやっていける自信{じしん}がつく
only to the extent that one would not be able to identify that person
: その人を特定{とくてい}できない範囲内{はんいない}で
"able man" 意味
"able management" 意味
"able manager" 意味
"able men left out of office" 意味
"able official" 意味
"able organizer" 意味
"able person" 意味
"able persons" 意味
"able politician" 意味
"able men left out of office" 意味
"able official" 意味
"able organizer" 意味
"able person" 意味
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