able-bodied 意味

発音を聞く   able-bodiedの例文
  • able-bodied


  1. ukon miyake gave guidance to them from scratch and produced shuwa kyogen as kyogen which is favorably compared with that played by able-bodied people .


        able bodied:    {形} :
        able bodied beggar:    
        able bodied person:    
        able bodied poor:    
        able bodied seaman:    
        able-bodied beggar:    体の強健{きょうけん}なこじき
        able-bodied person:    健常者{けんじょうしゃ}
        able-bodied poor:    健康体貧困者{けんこうたい ひんこんしゃ}
        able-bodied seaman:    適格船員{てきかく せんいん}、高級船員{こうきゅうせんいん}◆【同】able seaman
        bodied:     -bod? ied adj. [-bɑdid] 【連結形】 …な体[本体,味わい]を持った able-bodied/full-bodied.
        able:    able adj. (1) …することのできる. 【副詞】 He is amazingly able to cope with difficult situations. 難しい状況に対処する驚くほどの力がある It was so heavy that I was barely able to carry it. それはとても重くて私にはとても運べなかった
        able to:    《be ~》~することができる、~し得る、~が可能{かのう}である、~する能力{のうりょく}がある John was able to run faster when he was 17. ジョンは17歳のときはもっと速く走ることができた。
        be able:    be able 腕が良い うでがいい
        to be able to:    to be able to 出来る できる
        barrel bodied:    {形} :


  1. "able to take full criminal responsibility for someone's actions" 意味
  2. "able to trade more money than you actually have" 意味
  3. "able to understand" 意味
  4. "able to use both hands with equal ease" 意味
  5. "able to work effectively without close supervision" 意味
  6. "able-bodied beggar" 意味
  7. "able-bodied person" 意味
  8. "able-bodied poor" 意味
  9. "able-bodied seaman" 意味
  10. "able to use both hands with equal ease" 意味
  11. "able to work effectively without close supervision" 意味
  12. "able-bodied beggar" 意味
  13. "able-bodied person" 意味

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