it says that abnormal phenomenon of season like cherry blossoms in winter and snow in summer will be also strong signs . 冬に桜が咲いたり夏に雪が降ったりといった季節の異常なども大きな予兆になるのだという。
first will be found an abnormal phenomenon in the sky that multiple ' suns ' appear which should be one normally . まず、天空に異常が現れ本来ひとつのはずの「太陽」が複数個見られる様になるという。
kuyo-ka (kung-yang chia ) such as to chujo (dong zhongshu ) adopted the inyo (onmyo ) gogyo shiso (yin-yang wu-hsing idea ) and preached saii-setsu (natural disaster and abnormal phenomenon theory ) based on the theory of correlation between heaven and man . 董仲舒ら公羊家は陰陽五行思想を取り入れて天人相関の災異説を説いた。