abnormalities in myocardial contraction 意味

  • 心筋収縮{しんきん しゅうしゅく}の異常{いじょう}


        myocardial contraction:    心筋収縮{しんきん しゅうしゅく}
        abnormalities:    {名} : 異常{いじょう}(なもの)、異常性{いじょうせい}、変態{へんたい} Some scientists link Alzheimer's disease to gene abnormality. アルツハイマー病を遺伝子異常と関連付ける科学者もいる。 -------------------------------------------------------------------
        myocardial:    myocardial 心筋層の[医生]
        contraction:     contraction n. 収縮; (負債を)作ること; (病気に)かかること; (癖の)つくこと. 【動詞+】 She was having contractions every five minutes. 5 分ごとに子宮の収縮がきていた induce contractions in the womb 子宮の収縮を人工的に起こす time a wom
        abnormalities of the heart:    心臓{しんぞう}の異常{いじょう}
        auditory abnormalities:    聴覚異常{ちょうかく いじょう}
        craniofacial abnormalities:    頭蓋顔面異常{とうがい がんめん いじょう}
        menstrual abnormalities:    生理不順{せいり ふじゅん}、月経不順{げっけい ふじゅん}、月経異常
        pulse abnormalities:    脈拍異常{みゃくはく いじょう}
        pupillary abnormalities:    瞳孔異常{どうこう いじょう}
        reproductive abnormalities:    生殖異常{せいしょく いじょう}
        thyroid abnormalities:    甲状腺異常{こうじょうせん いじょう}
        with continuing abnormalities of:    ~の異常{いじょう}が持続{じぞく}して
        myocardial abscess:    心筋膿瘍{しんきん のうよう}
        myocardial biopsy:    心筋生検{しんきん せいけん}


  1. "abnormal zeeman effect" 意味
  2. "abnormalise" 意味
  3. "abnormalities" 意味
  4. "abnormalities in heart sounds" 意味
  5. "abnormalities in heart wall motion" 意味
  6. "abnormalities in the ariake sea" 意味
  7. "abnormalities of sleep which may contribute to daytime fatigue" 意味
  8. "abnormalities of the heart" 意味
  9. "abnormalities of the kidney are a common result of exposure to this substance" 意味
  10. "abnormalities in heart sounds" 意味
  11. "abnormalities in heart wall motion" 意味
  12. "abnormalities in the ariake sea" 意味
  13. "abnormalities of sleep which may contribute to daytime fatigue" 意味

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