abnormalities of sleep which may contribute to daytime fatigue 意味

  • 日中{にっちゅう}の疲労{ひろう}[疲れ]につながる睡眠異常{すいみん いじょう}


        daytime sleep:    日中{にっちゅう}に取る睡眠{すいみん}
        worsening daytime fatigue:    日中{にっちゅう}の疲労悪化{ひろう あっか}
        excessive daytime sleep:    昼間{ひるま}の過眠{かみん}
        sleep during the daytime hours:    日中眠る
        sleep off a fatigue:    眠って疲れを取る
        feel one needs a nap to ease daytime fatigue:    日中{にっちゅう}の疲労{ひろう}[疲れ]を和らげるために昼寝{ひるね}をしたいと[仮眠{かみん}を取りたいと]思う
        analysis of factors which contribute to:    ~に寄与{きよ}する要因{よういん}の分析{ぶんせき}
        as for the date on which someone may visit:    (人)の~訪問の期日{きじつ}に関しては
        determine which patients may be candidates for:    (治療法{ちりょうほう}など)が適切{てきせつ}な[を施す必要{ひつよう}のある]患者{かんじゃ}を識別{しきべつ}する
        contribute a book which is in publication entitled:    ~という題名{だいめい}で出版中{しゅっぱん ちゅう}の書物{しょもつ}に寄稿{きこう}する
        abnormalities:    {名} : 異常{いじょう}(なもの)、異常性{いじょうせい}、変態{へんたい} Some scientists link Alzheimer's disease to gene abnormality. アルツハイマー病を遺伝子異常と関連付ける科学者もいる。 -------------------------------------------------------------------
        daytime:     daytime n. 昼間. 【前置詞+】 I'm not usually at home during the daytime. 昼間は普通は家にいない We sometimes leave the children by themselves in the daytime, but never at night. ときには昼間子供たちを子供たちだけにしておくが夜
        in the daytime:    真昼に、昼間に、日中に、白昼に There were __ guards working in the daytime. 日中は_人の警備員が働いている。
        any information with which someone may favor:    (人)から与えられるいかなる情報{じょうほう}も
        enclose some of the literature which may be of interest to:    (人)が興味{きょうみ}を持ちそうなパンフレットを数種同封{すうしゅ どうふう}する


  1. "abnormalities" 意味
  2. "abnormalities in heart sounds" 意味
  3. "abnormalities in heart wall motion" 意味
  4. "abnormalities in myocardial contraction" 意味
  5. "abnormalities in the ariake sea" 意味
  6. "abnormalities of the heart" 意味
  7. "abnormalities of the kidney are a common result of exposure to this substance" 意味
  8. "abnormality" 意味
  9. "abnormality anywhere in a nerve pathway" 意味
  10. "abnormalities in myocardial contraction" 意味
  11. "abnormalities in the ariake sea" 意味
  12. "abnormalities of the heart" 意味
  13. "abnormalities of the kidney are a common result of exposure to this substance" 意味

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