abolition of slavery 意味

発音を聞く:   abolition of slaveryの例文
  • 奴隷制度{どれい せいど}の廃止{はいし}


  1. though a few examples remain in the historical documents after ' the abolition of slavery ,' which is thought to have occurred from the kanpyo era to the engi era , the class most likely disappeared shortly .
  2. most of what was called ' good politics ' in the era of emperor daigo (engi no chi ) and emperor murakami (tenryaku no chi ) and which were highly evaluated as ' engi-tenryaku-no-ch ' were only extensions of the political measures taken in kanpyo no chi , and one theory holds that there is evidence that the abolition of slavery was issued in the kanpyo era , which is generally believed to have been issued in the enkgi era .


        movement for the abolition of slavery:    奴隷制廃止運動{どれいせい はいし うんどう}
        slavery:     slavery n. 奴隷であること, 奴隷の身分; 奴隷制度. 【動詞+】 abolish slavery 奴隷制を廃止する. 【形容詞 名詞+】 abject slavery 浅ましい奴隷の身分 black slavery 黒人奴隷制度 an epoch of commercial slavery 商業主義による奴隷的支配の時代
        abolition:     abolition n. 廃止. 【動詞+】 The proposals called for the abolition of nuclear weapons by the year 2000. その提案は 2000 年までに核兵器を廃絶することを求めた seek the abolition of… …の廃止を求める. 【形容詞 名詞+】 We see
        abject slavery:    浅ましい奴隷{どれい}の身分{みぶん}
        abolish slavery:    奴隷制度を廃止する
        ancient slavery:    古代奴隷制
        anti-slavery:    {名} : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} :
        black slavery:    黒人奴隷制度{こくじん どれい せいど}
        child slavery:    児童労働虐待、児童奴隷{じどう どれい}
        condemn slavery:    奴隷制度{どれい せいど}を非難{ひなん}する
        hold in slavery:    奴隷{どれい}にする
        negro slavery:    黒人奴隷制度{こくじん どれい せいど}
        overthrow slavery:    奴隷制度{どれい せいど}を廃止{はいし}する
        peddled into slavery:    《be ~》奴隷{どれい}として売られる
        plantation slavery:    プランテーション奴隷制度


  1. "abolition of office" 意味
  2. "abolition of racial discrimination" 意味
  3. "abolition of regulations" 意味
  4. "abolition of regulations on" 意味
  5. "abolition of regulations on late-night work by women" 意味
  6. "abolition of smallpox" 意味
  7. "abolition of tariffs" 意味
  8. "abolition of the consumption tax" 意味
  9. "abolition of the floating foreign exchange system" 意味
  10. "abolition of regulations on" 意味
  11. "abolition of regulations on late-night work by women" 意味
  12. "abolition of smallpox" 意味
  13. "abolition of tariffs" 意味

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