though a few examples remain in the historical documents after ' the abolition of slavery ,' which is thought to have occurred from the kanpyo era to the engi era , the class most likely disappeared shortly . 寛平から延喜の頃と考えられている「奴婢の廃止」より後の史料にわずかに用例が残っているものの、間もなく消滅したと考えられている。
most of what was called ' good politics ' in the era of emperor daigo (engi no chi ) and emperor murakami (tenryaku no chi ) and which were highly evaluated as ' engi-tenryaku-no-ch ' were only extensions of the political measures taken in kanpyo no chi , and one theory holds that there is evidence that the abolition of slavery was issued in the kanpyo era , which is generally believed to have been issued in the enkgi era . 「延喜天暦の治」と賞せられる醍醐天皇(延喜の治)・村上天皇(天暦の治)の「善政」とされるものの多くは寛平の治の政策の延長上に過ぎず、従来延喜年間のこととされている奴婢制度廃止令も寛平年中に出された形跡があるとする説がある。