abounding 意味

発音を聞く:   aboundingの例文
  • {形} : たくさんの、たくさんいる、多い、豊富な
    Henry has abounding love for his family. ヘンリーは彼の家族を大変愛しています。



  1. "abound with culture and traditions that are rooted deep in history" 意味
  2. "abound with rats" 意味
  3. "abound with talented people" 意味
  4. "abound with volcanos" 意味
  5. "aboundikro" 意味
  6. "aboundingly" 意味
  7. "abounds in good farming land" 意味
  8. "abounds with good farming land" 意味
  9. "about" 意味
  10. "abound with volcanos" 意味
  11. "aboundikro" 意味
  12. "aboundingly" 意味
  13. "abounds in good farming land" 意味

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