about a century ago 意味

  • 約[およそ]1世紀前{せいき まえ}に


  1. just about a century ago .


        about a quarter of a century ago:    約25年前{ねんまえ}、約4半世紀前{はんせいき まえ}
        century ago this year:    《a ~》今年{ことし}からさかのぼってちょうど1世紀前{せいき まえ}
        more than a century ago:    1世紀以上昔{せいき いじょう むかし}に
        nearly half a century ago:    半世紀近く前
        date back to half a century ago:    半世紀前{はんせいき まえ}にさかのぼる
        more than half a century ago:    半世紀余り前の
        about a week ago:    約1週間前
        ago:     ago adv. 以前に. 【副詞】 ages ago 何代も前に; 《口語》 ずっと前に a fortnight ago 《英》 =two weeks ago 2 週間前に He died long ago. ずっと前に死にました How long ago did it happen? それはどれくらい前に起こったのですか A
        a century:    a century 一世紀 いっせいき
        century:     century n. 100 年, 1 世紀; 〔クリケット〕 100 点. 【動詞+】 enter the 21st century 21 世紀に入る He is tough; he will probably live out the century. タフな男だから次の世紀まで生きるだろう He made a century in this afte
        century of:    《a ~》今世紀{こん せいき}の、20世紀{せいき}の
        of the century:    今世紀が生んだ
        this century:    this century 今世紀 こんせいき
        vary from century to century:    世紀{せいき}によって異なる
        a moment ago:    a moment ago 今方 いまがた


  1. "about 5 people witnessed the mugging and heard the woman's screams, but no one moved a muscle to help her" 意味
  2. "about 5,000 people are working at the plant" 意味
  3. "about 70% of the jobs in mining have gone since 1960. 1960" 意味
  4. "about 800,000 new entrants join the labor force every year" 意味
  5. "about a boy" 意味
  6. "about a half of the crop has been marketed" 意味
  7. "about a hundred dollars' worth of traveler's checks" 意味
  8. "about a mile above the bridge" 意味
  9. "about a mile from the shore" 意味
  10. "about 800,000 new entrants join the labor force every year" 意味
  11. "about a boy" 意味
  12. "about a half of the crop has been marketed" 意味
  13. "about a hundred dollars' worth of traveler's checks" 意味

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