abrasive wheel wear test 意味

  • abrasive wheel wear test


        abrasive wear:    磨損{まそん}
        abrasive wheel:    砥石車{といしぐるま}
        abrasive cutting wheel:    abrasive cutting wheel 切断といし車[機械]
        abrasive grind wheel:    abrasive grind wheel 研削砥石
        wheel wear:    車輪摩耗{しゃりん まもう}
        abrasive jet test:    噴射摩耗試験{ふんしゃ まもう しけん}
        wear test:    摩耗試験{まもう しけん}
        automatic wheel wear compensator:    automatic wheel wear compensator といし摩耗自動補正装置[機械]〈96B0106:工作機械―部品及び工作方法―用語〉
        grinding wheel wear:    砥石減耗{といし げんもう}
        timken wear test:    Timken wear test チムケン摩耗試験[基礎]
        wear resistance test:    耐摩耗性試験{たいまもうせい しけん}
        wear test apparatus:    摩耗試験装置{まもう しけん そうち}
        abrasive:    {名} : 研磨剤{けんま ざい}、研削材{けんさくざい} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形-1} : 研磨{けんま}の ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        abrasive action:    abrasive action 磨耗作用[化学]
        abrasive band:    研磨{けんま}ベルト


  1. "abrasive tactics" 意味
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  4. "abrasive wear" 意味
  5. "abrasive wheel" 意味
  6. "abrasively" 意味
  7. "abrasiveness" 意味
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  9. "abration resistance of flocked fabric" 意味
  10. "abrasive wear" 意味
  11. "abrasive wheel" 意味
  12. "abrasively" 意味
  13. "abrasiveness" 意味

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