abscessed 意味

発音を聞く   abscessedの例文
  • {形} : 膿瘍{のうよう}のできた、膿んだ、腫れた



  1. "abscess in the skin around the anus" 意味
  2. "abscess just under the skin" 意味
  3. "abscess of liver" 意味
  4. "abscess subphrenic" 意味
  5. "abscess under the diaphragm" 意味
  6. "abscessed tissue" 意味
  7. "abscessed tooth" 意味
  8. "abscessus" 意味
  9. "abscessus frigidus" 意味
  10. "abscess subphrenic" 意味
  11. "abscess under the diaphragm" 意味
  12. "abscessed tissue" 意味
  13. "abscessed tooth" 意味

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