absent from the party 意味

  • 《be ~》パーティーに出席{しゅっせき}しない



  1. "absent from mess" 意味
  2. "absent from school" 意味
  3. "absent from school because of pretended sickness" 意味
  4. "absent from school for extended periods because of illness" 意味
  5. "absent from school without handing in a report of absence" 意味
  6. "absent from work without any notice" 意味
  7. "absent healing" 意味
  8. "absent husband" 意味
  9. "absent in" 意味
  10. "absent from school for extended periods because of illness" 意味
  11. "absent from school without handing in a report of absence" 意味
  12. "absent from work without any notice" 意味
  13. "absent healing" 意味

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