- スポンジのように物事{ものごと}を吸収{きゅうしゅう}する[学ぶ?身に付ける]
absorb things like a sponge 意味
- "absorb the sun" 意味
- "absorb the sun's uv rays" 意味
- "absorb the surplus supply" 意味
- "absorb the whole experience" 意味
- "absorb the wishes of the public" 意味
- "absorb time" 意味
- "absorb ultraviolet light" 意味
- "absorb ultraviolet radiation from sun" 意味
- "absorb very little heat" 意味
- "absorb the whole experience" 意味
- "absorb the wishes of the public" 意味
- "absorb time" 意味
- "absorb ultraviolet light" 意味