absorbed in reading a book 意味

  • 《be ~》読書に夢中になっている、読書にふけっている、読書に没頭している



  1. "absorbed in one's grief" 意味
  2. "absorbed in one's thoughts" 意味
  3. "absorbed in photography" 意味
  4. "absorbed in play" 意味
  5. "absorbed in reading" 意味
  6. "absorbed in reading without preparing someone's supper" 意味
  7. "absorbed in the music" 意味
  8. "absorbed in the physical side of the character" 意味
  9. "absorbed in the stomach" 意味
  10. "absorbed in play" 意味
  11. "absorbed in reading" 意味
  12. "absorbed in reading without preparing someone's supper" 意味
  13. "absorbed in the music" 意味

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