absorbed quickly into the skin and give long lasting performance 意味

  • 《be ~》素早く肌に吸収{きゅうしゅう}され効果{こうか}が長続きする



  1. "absorbed into" 意味
  2. "absorbed into the bloodstream" 意味
  3. "absorbed ion" 意味
  4. "absorbed overhead" 意味
  5. "absorbed property" 意味
  6. "absorbed through the intestinal wall" 意味
  7. "absorbed through the lining of the small intestine" 意味
  8. "absorbed through the mucosa" 意味
  9. "absorbed through the skin" 意味
  10. "absorbed overhead" 意味
  11. "absorbed property" 意味
  12. "absorbed through the intestinal wall" 意味
  13. "absorbed through the lining of the small intestine" 意味

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