to abstain from the enjoyment which is in our power 「活力の源となる楽しみを慎むこと、または、
will the defendant abstain from this flagrant ... 被告人は行動を慎みなさい
i heard you were told you have to abstain from food ... お食事は控えるよう 言われてると思いますが...。
there remains a letter in which he later advised his grandson terumoto mori to abstain from drinking . 後に孫である毛利輝元に対して酒を控えるようといった内容の書状が残っている。
in 5th century china , the eating of meat was completely prohibited , because it involved taking lives of animals , based on the commandment to abstain from meat-eating in apocryphal scripture of mahayana buddhism . 5世紀頃の中国では、大乗仏教の偽経『梵綱経』の第3に食肉戒より、動物の命を絶つことを理由に、肉食を完全に禁止している。