abstain from 意味

発音を聞く:   abstain fromの例文
  • ~を慎む[控える?節制{せっせい}する]、禁酒{きんしゅ}する
    Monks must abstain from many pleasures. 僧侶は多くの快楽を慎まなければならない。


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. to abstain from the enjoyment which is in our power
  2. will the defendant abstain from this flagrant ...
  3. i heard you were told you have to abstain from food ...
    お食事は控えるよう 言われてると思いますが...。
  4. there remains a letter in which he later advised his grandson terumoto mori to abstain from drinking .
  5. in 5th century china , the eating of meat was completely prohibited , because it involved taking lives of animals , based on the commandment to abstain from meat-eating in apocryphal scripture of mahayana buddhism .



  1. "absorptivity-emissivity ratio" 意味
  2. "absotively" 意味
  3. "absquatulate" 意味
  4. "abstain" 意味
  5. "abstain at the last minute" 意味
  6. "abstain from alcohol" 意味
  7. "abstain from balloting" 意味
  8. "abstain from being involved in" 意味
  9. "abstain from directly criticizing others" 意味
  10. "abstain" 意味
  11. "abstain at the last minute" 意味
  12. "abstain from alcohol" 意味
  13. "abstain from balloting" 意味

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