abstentionist 意味

発音を聞く   abstentionistの例文
  • {名} : 棄権者{きけん しゃ}、自制主義者{じせい しゅぎしゃ}



  1. "abstention line" 意味
  2. "abstention of an increasing number of young people from exercising their vote is causing concern" 意味
  3. "abstention principle" 意味
  4. "abstention rate" 意味
  5. "abstentionism" 意味
  6. "abstentions don't count" 意味
  7. "abstentions in yesterday's vote numbered upward of 20%" 意味
  8. "abstentions will be counted as votes against the proposal" 意味
  9. "absterge" 意味
  10. "abstention rate" 意味
  11. "abstentionism" 意味
  12. "abstentions don't count" 意味
  13. "abstentions in yesterday's vote numbered upward of 20%" 意味

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