abundance of 意味

発音を聞く:   abundance ofの例文
  • 《an ~》多数{たすう}の、豊富{ほうふ}な
    There is very great abundance of pepper in India. インドには非常に豊富な胡椒がある。


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. for his span of years , for his abundance of character ;
    彼の生涯に 彼の多彩な特徴に
  2. we put in an abundance of nutrients , flavorings ...
  3. just this abundance of things that are right before us
  4. huge abundance of groupers inside the reserve
  5. incredible abundance of wetlands .
    亜寒帯一帯では驚嘆すべき 湿地帯の豊かさを実感できます


        abundance:     abundance n. たくさん, 豊富. 【動詞+】 An abundance of instances is cited. たくさんの例があげてある Mexico has an abundance of comfortable, cheap hotels. メキシコには快適で安いホテルがたくさんある This country has an abund
        in abundance:    大量{たいりょう}に、豊富{ほうふ}に Diamonds were found in abundance in that country. その国でダイヤモンドが大量に採掘された。
        abundance anomaly:    abundance anomaly 元素組成異常[航宇]
        abundance frequency:    度数分布{どすうぶんぷ}
        abundance of capital:    資本充足
        abundance of caution:    十分{じゅうぶん}な注意{ちゅうい}
        abundance of elements:    元素{げんそ}の存在度{そんざいど}
        abundance of examples:    豊富な例
        abundance of food:    豊富な食べ物
        abundance of jobs:    豊富{ほうふ}[十分{じゅうぶん}]な職[仕事{しごと}](の数)
        abundance of knowledge:    知識{ちしき}の豊富{ほうふ}さ
        abundance of labor:    豊富な労力
        abundance of the heart:    溢れ出る感情{かんじょう}
        abundance of water:    abundance of water 豊水 ほうすい
        abundance of waterpower:    豊富{ほうふ}な水力{すいりょく}


  1. "abulic" 意味
  2. "abundance" 意味
  3. "abundance anomaly" 意味
  4. "abundance frequency" 意味
  5. "abundance in mineral resources does not necessarily lead to material abundance for the people of a country" 意味
  6. "abundance of capital" 意味
  7. "abundance of caution" 意味
  8. "abundance of chest hair" 意味
  9. "abundance of elements" 意味
  10. "abundance frequency" 意味
  11. "abundance in mineral resources does not necessarily lead to material abundance for the people of a country" 意味
  12. "abundance of capital" 意味
  13. "abundance of caution" 意味

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