it was especially owing to the setsuyoshu during the late edo period which contained more abundant illustrations and appendixes that the word ' setsuyoshu ' became a common noun . 特に江戸時代後期の挿絵・付録の増加した節用集の影響で、「節用集」という語が一般名詞化した。
as a man of literature , kazan produced travel writings and essays including " zengakudo hiroku " and " nikko kiko " ; his writings , like his abundant illustrations , vividly depict the scenes of his travels and serve as important materials to depict the culture , local manners and customs . また、文人としては随筆紀行文である『全楽堂日録』『日光紀行』などを残し、文章とともに多く残されている挿絵が旅の情景を髣髴させるとともに、当時を文化・風俗を知る重要な資料となっている。