abuse of process 意味

発音を聞く:   abuse of processの例文
  • 訴訟手続きの濫用{らんよう}


  1. the edo bakufu (japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) often prohibited kujishi from working as agents in lawsuits and malicious abuse of process .


        malicious abuse of process:    誣告{ぶこく}
        abuse:    1abuse n. (1) 弊害, 悪弊, 悪習. 【動詞+】 The new Administration is determined to attack these abuses aggressively. 新政権はこれらの悪弊に積極的に取り組むことを決意している check abuses 弊害を防止する It will take time to cor
        to abuse:    to abuse 罵る ののしる 扱き下ろす 扱下ろす こきおろす 振り回す ふりまわす
        in process:    {形} :
        in process of:    ~の進行中{しんこうちゅう}で、~の最中{さいちゅう/さなか}で、~の途中{とちゅう}で、~の過程{かてい}で、~のプロセスを進めて Bilingual education incorporate a student's native language in the process of turning him into an educated citizen. 2カ国語[2言語併用]教育は生
        in the process:    そのプロセス[過程{かてい}]で、いつの間にか
        in the process of:    ~の過程{かてい}で They are in the process of moving offices, so it is hard to get in touch with them. 彼らはオフィス移転の最中なので、連絡がとりづらい。
        in-process:    {形} : 製造過程{せいぞう かてい}の
        process:     1process n. 過程, 経過; 方法, 工程, 処置; 〔法律〕 訴訟手続き, 令状; 〔解剖〕 突起. 【動詞+】 Consumers were slow to accept the process. 消費者はそのやり方をなかなか受け入れようとしなかった An unpleasant smell may accompany the process. その過程
        s-process:    {名} : s 過程{かてい}◆元素合成に関する天体の核反応。s=slow
        abuse a monopoly:    独占権を乱用する
        abuse a pet:    ペットを虐待する
        abuse a privilege:    特権{とっけん}を悪用{あくよう}[乱用{らんよう}]する
        abuse a right:    権利{けんり}を悪用{あくよう}[乱用{らんよう}]する
        abuse by a parent:    親による虐待{ぎゃくたい}、親の虐待{ぎゃくたい} It's common practice for a doctor to interview a child he suspects may be the victim of abuse by a parent. According to recent estimates, up to 5,000 children die each year


  1. "abuse of one's privilege" 意味
  2. "abuse of paint thinner" 意味
  3. "abuse of patent" 意味
  4. "abuse of people's right to privacy" 意味
  5. "abuse of power" 意味
  6. "abuse of public office" 意味
  7. "abuse of right" 意味
  8. "abuse of status as a civil servant" 意味
  9. "abuse of stimulants" 意味
  10. "abuse of people's right to privacy" 意味
  11. "abuse of power" 意味
  12. "abuse of public office" 意味
  13. "abuse of right" 意味

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