- 《abuse of (one's) office [authority, power, right]》職権乱用{しょっけん らんよう}、権利{けんり}の乱用{らんよう}
abuse of right 意味
- "abuse of patent" 意味
- "abuse of people's right to privacy" 意味
- "abuse of power" 意味
- "abuse of process" 意味
- "abuse of public office" 意味
- "abuse of status as a civil servant" 意味
- "abuse of stimulants" 意味
- "abuse of the authority given to" 意味
- "abuse of the employer's discretion" 意味
- "abuse of process" 意味
- "abuse of public office" 意味
- "abuse of status as a civil servant" 意味
- "abuse of stimulants" 意味