abuse the useful features of a cell-phone 意味

  • 携帯電話{けいたい でんわ}の使い勝手{がって}の良さを悪用{あくよう}する



  1. "abuse the network" 意味
  2. "abuse the privilege" 意味
  3. "abuse the provision" 意味
  4. "abuse the system" 意味
  5. "abuse the useful features of a cellular phone" 意味
  6. "abuse the useful features of a mobile" 意味
  7. "abuse the useful features of a mobile-phone" 意味
  8. "abuse theory" 意味
  9. "abuse the provision" 意味
  10. "abuse the system" 意味
  11. "abuse the useful features of a cellular phone" 意味
  12. "abuse the useful features of a mobile" 意味

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