academic studies 意味

発音を聞く:   academic studiesの例文
  • 学問的{がくもんてき}な研究{けんきゅう}


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. he was also well-versed in academic studies besides buddhism .
  2. he also worked hard on academic studies , and read through chinese classics all by himself .
  3. the rise of common people due to economic development produced the supporters of academic studies .
  4. and in the modern era , the academic studies on shoens also progressed and " shoenshiryo " (dictionary of manors in japan edited by masatake shimizu ) was edited in 1933 and the study on kuroda no sho of iga province by tadashi ishimoda and so on is well-known .
  5. old books , rare books , old materials that do not fall into the category of deposits , duplicates of frequently used materials as reference books such as encyclopedias , dictionaries , almanacs , etc ., and foreign materials that have been designated as useful materials for academic studies are acquired by purchase .


        academic:     academic adj. 学問の. 【副詞】 It is a purely academic question without practical ramifications. それは実用的な派生物を生みだすことのない純粋に学問上の問題だ That question is purely academic. その問題は純粋に学問に関わることだ.
        studies:    studies 学業 がくぎょう
        (academic) excellence:    (academic) excellence 優等 ゆうとう
        academic ability:    academic ability 学才 がくさい
        academic achievement:    学業成績{がくぎょう せいせき}、学力{がくりょく}、学問的達成{がくもん てき たっせい}、学力達成度{がくりょく たっせい ど}
        academic achievements:    学問的業績{がくもんてき ぎょうせき}、学力{がくりょく}
        academic activity:    研究活動{けんきゅう かつどう}
        academic affairs:    学務{がくむ}
        academic argument:    学問的{がくもんてき}な議論{ぎろん}
        academic art:    アカデミー芸術{げいじゅつ}
        academic autonomy:    学の独立{どくりつ}
        academic background:    academic background 学歴 がくれき
        academic base:    学術的基盤{がくじゅつ てき きばん}
        academic benefit:    学問{がくもん}[学術{がくじゅつ}]的なメリット
        academic books:    学術書{がくじゅつしょ}


  1. "academic society of japan for winds percussion and band" 意味
  2. "academic sphere" 意味
  3. "academic standing" 意味
  4. "academic strength" 意味
  5. "academic student" 意味
  6. "academic subjects" 意味
  7. "academic subjects offered to students" 意味
  8. "academic supervisor" 意味
  9. "academic syllabus" 意味
  10. "academic strength" 意味
  11. "academic student" 意味
  12. "academic subjects" 意味
  13. "academic subjects offered to students" 意味

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