acceleration of gravity 意味

発音を聞く:   acceleration of gravityの例文
  • 重力加速度{じゅうりょく かそくど}


        gravity acceleration:    重力加速度{じゅうりょく かそくど}
        acceleration due to gravity:    重力加速度{じゅうりょく かそくど}
        standard acceleration due to gravity:    標準重力加速度{ひょうじゅん じゅうりょく かそくど}
        acceleration:     acceleration n. 〔物理〕 加速; 加速度. 【動詞+】 This car has good acceleration. この車は加速がいい increase acceleration 加速度を増す slow (down) acceleration 加速度を落とす. 【形容詞 名詞+】 fast acceleration
        with acceleration of:    ~が速くなって
        gravity:     gravity n. 厳粛; 重大; 重力. 【動詞+】 He couldn't comprehend the gravity of the matter. 事の重大さを理解できなかった The first time you fly, you feel as if you are defying gravity. 初めて飛行するときは重力に逆らうような感じがする
        with gravity:    まじめに
        ablative acceleration:    アブレーション加速{かそく}
        acceleration amplitude:    加速度振幅{かそくど しんぷく}
        acceleration analysis:    加速度解析{かそくど かいせき}
        acceleration area:    加速区間{かそく くかん}
        acceleration atelectasis:    加速度性無気肺{かそくど せい むきはい}
        acceleration capability:    加速能力{かそく のうりょく}
        acceleration cavity:    acceleration cavity 加速空洞[基礎]
        acceleration characteristic:    加速特性{かそく とくせい}


  1. "acceleration of demand" 意味
  2. "acceleration of demographic aging" 意味
  3. "acceleration of disposal of the nonperforming loans held by financial institutions" 意味
  4. "acceleration of free fall" 意味
  5. "acceleration of global warming" 意味
  6. "acceleration of growth" 意味
  7. "acceleration of inflation" 意味
  8. "acceleration of liberalization" 意味
  9. "acceleration of political process" 意味
  10. "acceleration of free fall" 意味
  11. "acceleration of global warming" 意味
  12. "acceleration of growth" 意味
  13. "acceleration of inflation" 意味

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