- 領収書{りょうしゅうしょ}[レシート]なしの返金要求{へんきん ようきゅう}に応じる
accept claims for refunds without receipts 意味
- "accept change-of-residence registration applications from" 意味
- "accept changes in the bill" 意味
- "accept charity" 意味
- "accept checks drawn on u.s. banks" 意味
- "accept christian doctrine" 意味
- "accept cohabitation with washington" 意味
- "accept compensation for one's work" 意味
- "accept complete responsibility" 意味
- "accept contracts for consulting services" 意味
- "accept checks drawn on u.s. banks" 意味
- "accept christian doctrine" 意味
- "accept cohabitation with washington" 意味
- "accept compensation for one's work" 意味