accept things at face value 意味

  • 物事{ものごと}を額面どおりに受け取る
    He never took [accepted] things at face value.



  1. "accept the very hard situation" 意味
  2. "accept the whole" 意味
  3. "accept the work plan proposed by" 意味
  4. "accept the world as it is" 意味
  5. "accept things as they are" 意味
  6. "accept third-party marketing messages" 意味
  7. "accept to become a congressional watchdog" 意味
  8. "accept tough criticism from others" 意味
  9. "accept trainees to support the system" 意味
  10. "accept the world as it is" 意味
  11. "accept things as they are" 意味
  12. "accept third-party marketing messages" 意味
  13. "accept to become a congressional watchdog" 意味

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