accept voluntary retirement as part of the restructuring plans 意味

  • リストラ策の一環{いっかん}としての希望退職{きぼう たいしょく}を受け入れる



  1. "accept uncritically" 意味
  2. "accept undeserved credit" 意味
  3. "accept various forms of bribes" 意味
  4. "accept visiting u.s. scientists in one's research laboratory" 意味
  5. "accept volunteers" 意味
  6. "accept what he says in good faith" 意味
  7. "accept what one can't control" 意味
  8. "accept what sb says on faith" 意味
  9. "accept various forms of bribes" 意味
  10. "accept visiting u.s. scientists in one's research laboratory" 意味
  11. "accept volunteers" 意味
  12. "accept what he says in good faith" 意味

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