acceptance of goods 意味

発音を聞く:   acceptance of goodsの例文
  • 商品{しょうひん}の受領{じゅりょう}、商品{しょうひん}の引き取り{ひきとり}


        acceptance:     acceptance n. 受け入れられること, 受納; 承諾; 受諾, 容認; 〔商業〕 手形の引き受け. 【動詞+】 We ask your acceptance of certain inconveniences during installation of a computerized system. 電算システムの取りつけ中は多少の不便をご了承願います I b
        acceptance of:    ~の受領{じゅりょう}、~の承諾{しょうだく}[受諾{じゅだく}?承認{しょうにん}]
        no acceptance:    引き受けなし
        with acceptance:    好評で
        by goods:    貨物列車で
        goods:     goods n. pl. 商品, 品物; 《英》 貨物; 動産. 【動詞+】 I beg you to accept the goods gratis in this case. 今回はこの品物をどうぞお収めください(代金は申し受けません) advertise goods for sale 商品販売の広告を出す bequeath sb all one's
        it goods:    IT 関連{かんれん}商品{しょうひん}[製品{せいひん}]
        to goods:    借方記入事項に
        acceptance (of truths):    acceptance (of truths) 信受 しんじゅ
        acceptance account:    手形引受勘定{てがたひきうけ かんじょう}
        acceptance activities:    受け入れ活動
        acceptance address:    指名受諾演説{しめい じゅだく えんぜつ}
        acceptance advice:    引受通知{ひきうけ つうち}
        acceptance agreement:    引受契約
        acceptance and guarantee:    支払承諾{しはらい しょうだく}


  1. "acceptance of deposit" 意味
  2. "acceptance of distinguished foreign human resources necessary for" 意味
  3. "acceptance of electronic commerce" 意味
  4. "acceptance of foreign students" 意味
  5. "acceptance of foreign workers" 意味
  6. "acceptance of illegal gratuities" 意味
  7. "acceptance of notification" 意味
  8. "acceptance of offer" 意味
  9. "acceptance of order" 意味
  10. "acceptance of foreign students" 意味
  11. "acceptance of foreign workers" 意味
  12. "acceptance of illegal gratuities" 意味
  13. "acceptance of notification" 意味

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