accepted into 意味

  • 《be ~》入ることを許される、参加を許される


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. i was accepted into a university close to tokyo .
    僕は体育推薦で 地元の大学に行くことになり
  2. never should have been accepted into this program .
    このプログラムに 決して受け入れられてはいけない
  3. when i told him i got accepted into a university , too ...
  4. i got accepted into the police academy today .
  5. and mutants are accepted into society .


        accepted:    {形} : 一般に認められた、れっきとした
        accepted in:    《be ~》~では受け入れられている
        not accepted:    《be ~》選に漏れる
        to be accepted:    to be accepted 受け付ける 受けつける うけつける
        accepted as a tradition:    《be ~》伝統的{でんとうてき}なものとして認められている
        accepted authority:    認められた権威者{けんいしゃ}
        accepted axiom:    容認{ようにん}された公理{こうり}
        accepted bill:    引受手形{ひきうけ てがた}
        accepted by society:    《be ~》社会{しゃかい}に受け入れられる
        accepted by the masses:    《be ~》大衆{たいしゅう}に受け入れられる
        accepted draft:    引受済み手形{ひきうけずみ てがた}
        accepted explanation:    異論{いろん}のない説明{せつめい}
        accepted fact:    異論{いろん}のない事実{じじつ}
        accepted in a market:    《be ~》市場{しじょう}[マーケット]で受け入れられる
        accepted indicator:    accepted indicator 公認指示器[航宇]


  1. "accepted fact" 意味
  2. "accepted for the japan art academy exhibition" 意味
  3. "accepted in" 意味
  4. "accepted in a market" 意味
  5. "accepted indicator" 意味
  6. "accepted into an overseas study program" 意味
  7. "accepted into grad school" 意味
  8. "accepted meaning" 意味
  9. "accepted notion" 意味
  10. "accepted in a market" 意味
  11. "accepted indicator" 意味
  12. "accepted into an overseas study program" 意味
  13. "accepted into grad school" 意味

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