although the imperial household agency identifies the ota chausuyama tumulus (large keyhole-shaped tomb mound , 226-meter-long ) in 3 ota , ibaraki city , osaka prefecture as emperor keitai ' s mausoleum , its construction is presumed to date back to about the mid-fifth century , so the accepted notion of today is that his true mausoleum is imashirozuka tumulus (large keyhole-shaped tomb mound , 190-meter-long ) in gunge shinmachi , takatsuki city , osaka prefecture which is estimated to have been built in early sixth century because of the cluster of haniwa (a clay figure artifact ) like the lifelike images of soldiers and horses in the mausoleum of the first qin emperor , were discovered there . 宮内庁は同陵を大阪府茨木市太田三丁目の太田茶臼山古墳(前方後円墳・全長226m)に比定しているが、築造時期は5世紀の中頃とみられており、近年、同府高槻市郡家新町の今城塚古墳(前方後円墳・全長190m)から兵馬俑の如き埴輪群が発見され、6世紀前半の築造と考えられる同古墳を真の継体天皇陵とするのが定説になっている。