accepted notion 意味

  • 定説{ていせつ}


  1. although the imperial household agency identifies the ota chausuyama tumulus (large keyhole-shaped tomb mound , 226-meter-long ) in 3 ota , ibaraki city , osaka prefecture as emperor keitai ' s mausoleum , its construction is presumed to date back to about the mid-fifth century , so the accepted notion of today is that his true mausoleum is imashirozuka tumulus (large keyhole-shaped tomb mound , 190-meter-long ) in gunge shinmachi , takatsuki city , osaka prefecture which is estimated to have been built in early sixth century because of the cluster of haniwa (a clay figure artifact ) like the lifelike images of soldiers and horses in the mausoleum of the first qin emperor , were discovered there .


        challenge an accepted notion:    定説{ていせつ}に異議{いぎ}を唱える
        generally accepted notion:    通念{つうねん}
        support the accepted notion that:    (that 以下)という定説{ていせつ}を支持{しじ}する
        notion:     notion n. 観念; 考え, 見解, 意見. 【動詞+】 accept the notion that… …という考えを認める I somehow acquired the notion that we were never again going to see each other. なぜかふたたび会うことはないだろうと考えるようになった This
        with the notion:    考えを抱いて
        accepted:    {形} : 一般に認められた、れっきとした
        accepted in:    《be ~》~では受け入れられている
        accepted into:    《be ~》入ることを許される、参加を許される
        not accepted:    《be ~》選に漏れる
        to be accepted:    to be accepted 受け付ける 受けつける うけつける
        abstract notion:    抽象的観念{ちゅうしょうてき かんねん}
        abstruse notion:    難解{なんかい}な概念{がいねん}
        accept the notion that:    (that 以下)という考えを認める[承服{しょうふく}する]
        advance notion:    事前{じぜん}の見解{けんかい}
        airy notion of:    ~などという浮わついた考え


  1. "accepted indicator" 意味
  2. "accepted into" 意味
  3. "accepted into an overseas study program" 意味
  4. "accepted into grad school" 意味
  5. "accepted meaning" 意味
  6. "accepted one's request wholeheartedly" 意味
  7. "accepted opinion" 意味
  8. "accepted opinion is that…" 意味
  9. "accepted pairing" 意味
  10. "accepted into grad school" 意味
  11. "accepted meaning" 意味
  12. "accepted one's request wholeheartedly" 意味
  13. "accepted opinion" 意味

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