access through 意味

  • ~から情報{じょうほう}を得る


  1. so , a week later , to gain access through his gates
    一週間後 あのやろうの家に入り
  2. this is the nebuchadnezzar , requesting access through gate three .
    こちらネブカドネザル ゲート03への進入許可を



  1. "access the web via cellular phones" 意味
  2. "access the web via mobile-phones" 意味
  3. "access the websites of private businesses" 意味
  4. "access the world wide web" 意味
  5. "access thousands of software packages" 意味
  6. "access through an online service" 意味
  7. "access through private sites" 意味
  8. "access time" 意味
  9. "access to" 意味
  10. "access the world wide web" 意味
  11. "access thousands of software packages" 意味
  12. "access through an online service" 意味
  13. "access through private sites" 意味

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