access to inappropriate materials 意味

  • 不適切{ふてきせつ}な素材{そざい}へのアクセス


        prevent access to inappropriate information:    不適切{ふてきせつ}な情報{じょうほう}へのアクセスを防止{ぼうし}する
        inappropriate:     inappropriate adj. 不適切な, そぐわない. 【副詞】 grossly inappropriate behavior ひどく不適切な言動 a highly inappropriate decision きわめて妥当性を欠いた決定 It was a strangely inappropriate remark, given the situ
        inappropriate for:    ~にとって不適当[不適切]である、~にとってまずい、~にふさわしくない The video game is completely inappropriate for children. そのビデオゲームは、子どもにはふさわしくない。
        inappropriate to:    ~することは不適当だ It is inappropriate to discuss it at this time.
        materials:    materials 物資 ぶっし 素片 そへん 代 しろ 資料 しりょう 用材 ようざい
        completely inappropriate:    全く不適当{ふてきとう}な
        inappropriate actions:    不正行為
        inappropriate activity:    不適切{ふてきせつ}な活動{かつどう} It is important to reduce vandalism and other inappropriate activities in parks.
        inappropriate advertisement:    不適切{ふてきせつ}な広告{こうこく}
        inappropriate affect:    inappropriate affect 不相応な情動[医生]
        inappropriate attachment:    不適切{ふてきせつ}な添付{てんぷ}ファイル
        inappropriate behavior:    不適当行動{ふてきとう こうどう}
        inappropriate comment:    不適当{ふてきとう}な発言{はつげん}、失言{しつげん}
        inappropriate constituent:    不適切{ふてきせつ}な成分{せいぶん}
        inappropriate decision:    不適切{ふてきせつ}な決断{けつだん}


  1. "access to fishing grounds" 意味
  2. "access to health care" 意味
  3. "access to health insurance coverage" 意味
  4. "access to higher education" 意味
  5. "access to illicit arms" 意味
  6. "access to information" 意味
  7. "access to information act" 意味
  8. "access to inner worlds" 意味
  9. "access to internet-related services" 意味
  10. "access to higher education" 意味
  11. "access to illicit arms" 意味
  12. "access to information" 意味
  13. "access to information act" 意味

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