accidents involving senior citizens 意味

  • 高齢者{こうれいしゃ}を巻き込んだ事故{じこ}



  1. "accidents in line of duty" 意味
  2. "accidents in summer mountaineering" 意味
  3. "accidents in the home" 意味
  4. "accidents in which cars turning right or left hit pedestrians crossing the intersections" 意味
  5. "accidents involving elderly people" 意味
  6. "accidents like this are a rare occurrence" 意味
  7. "accidents not accompanied by lost worktime" 意味
  8. "accidents on the road" 意味
  9. "accidents that cause children physical or psychological damage" 意味
  10. "accidents in which cars turning right or left hit pedestrians crossing the intersections" 意味
  11. "accidents involving elderly people" 意味
  12. "accidents like this are a rare occurrence" 意味
  13. "accidents not accompanied by lost worktime" 意味

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