accompanied by decreased appetite 意味

  • 《be ~》食欲減退{しょくよく げんたい}を伴う


        decreased food appetite:    食欲減少{しょくよく げんしょう}
        accompanied:    {他動-1} : ~について行く、同行{どうこう}する、付き添う、同伴{どうはん}する、一緒{いっしょ}に行く[する]◆【類】go together I'd be delighted to accompany you. 喜んでお供させていただきます。 Let me accompany you to your house. 私にあなたのお宅までお供させてください。 She was accompa
        accompanied by:    《be ~》~が同伴{どうはん}する、~に付き添われる、~に連れられて来ている、~と同時{どうじ}に起こる、~に付随{ふずい}して起こる、~が付きものである、~が添付{てんぷ}してある He was accompanied by his new secretary. 彼には新しい秘書が付き添っていた。 Your draft must be accompanied by the followin
        to be accompanied by:    to be accompanied by 伴う ともなう 従える したがえる
        appetite:     appetite n. 食欲; 欲望; 好み, 趣味. 【動詞+】 His appointment to the position did little to appease his appetite for power. その地位に任命されたことも彼の権力欲をいやすことにほとんどならなかった arouse an appetite in sb for… …に対する欲
        appetite for:    ~への欲求{よっきゅう}[意欲{いよく}]
        accompanied by a breathlessness:    《be ~》息切れを伴う
        accompanied by a change:    《be ~》変化{へんか}を伴う
        accompanied by a dog:    犬を連れて
        accompanied by a fever:    《be ~》発熱{はつねつ}を伴う
        accompanied by a friend:    accompanied by a friend 友達を伴って ともだちをともなって
        accompanied by a letter:    《be ~》手紙を添えて You may not copy the Software or any of the printed materials accompanying the Software except as expressly permitted by this Agreement. 《使用許諾契約書》本契約書に特に明記のない限り、本ソフトウェアまたは付属の印刷物をコピーすること
        accompanied by a piano:    《be ~》ピアノの伴奏が付く
        accompanied by a smile:    笑顔{えがお}を添えて
        accompanied by attendants:    《be ~》供を連れて行く


  1. "accompanied by an official bodyguard of 20 men 20" 意味
  2. "accompanied by attendants" 意味
  3. "accompanied by careful attention to" 意味
  4. "accompanied by children" 意味
  5. "accompanied by constitutional symptoms" 意味
  6. "accompanied by general itchiness" 意味
  7. "accompanied by music" 意味
  8. "accompanied by one's child" 意味
  9. "accompanied by one's interpreter" 意味
  10. "accompanied by children" 意味
  11. "accompanied by constitutional symptoms" 意味
  12. "accompanied by general itchiness" 意味
  13. "accompanied by music" 意味

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