according to a senior government official 意味

  • 政府高官{せいふ こうかん}によると



  1. "according to a report adopted by" 意味
  2. "according to a report recently released by" 意味
  3. "according to a research on the actual situation" 意味
  4. "according to a saying of nietzsche's, …" 意味
  5. "according to a senior aide the minister will soon retire" 意味
  6. "according to a source close to" 意味
  7. "according to a spokesman for the russian embassy the report is false" 意味
  8. "according to a statement broadcast" 意味
  9. "according to a statement someone gave after his arrest" 意味
  10. "according to a saying of nietzsche's, …" 意味
  11. "according to a senior aide the minister will soon retire" 意味
  12. "according to a source close to" 意味
  13. "according to a spokesman for the russian embassy the report is false" 意味

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