according to some theories , everything that exists in our universe should also exist there . 理論によれば この世界の全てがパラレルワールドにも存在する
according to some theories ... everything that exists in our universe should also exist there . 理論によると この世界の全てがパラレルワールドにも存在する
he was born in wakisakasho , azai-gun , omi no kuni , the eldest son of yasuaki wakisaka , though according to some theories , he was the son of magozaemon tatsuki . 天文23年(1554年)、脇坂安明の長男として、近江浅井郡脇坂庄で生まれる(異説として田付孫左衛門の実子とも伝わる)。
according to some theories , attempts were made to adopt the ritsuryo system during empress suiko ' s reign , from the end of the 6th century to the beginning of the 7th century . 6世紀末期から7世紀初頭の推古天皇の時代に、律令制を指向する動きがあったとする見解がある。
there is a story that , after the battle of sekigahara , nagamasa was saddened by the foul mood at osaka castle (or edo castle according to some theories ), lamenting ' when mitsunari was alive , something like this would never have happened .' 長政が関ヶ原の後における大坂城(江戸城説も)の猥雑な雰囲気を「三成が存命の頃はこのようなことはなかった」と嘆いたとの逸話が残っている。