according to the accounting department records 意味

  • 経理部{けいり ぶ}の記録{きろく}によれば


        records department:    {組織} : 記録部
        accounting department:    経理部{けいり ぶ}、経理課{けいり か}
        according to our records:    当方{とうほう}の記録{きろく}によると
        according to records of applications for:    ~の申請状況{しんせい じょうきょう}から見て
        department of the army records depository:    陸軍記録保管所
        bypass accounting department:    経理部{けいり ぶ}に(話を)通さない、経理部{けいり ぶ}の承認{しょうにん}を得ない[了解{りょうかい}を取らない]
        cost accounting department:    原価計算部門{げんか けいさん ぶもん}
        general accounting department:    経理部{けいり ぶ}
        material accounting department:    材料会計部{ざいりょうかいけいぶ}
        records:    records 文書 ぶんしょ もんじょ 誌 し
        according:     according adv. (…に)従って, (…)どおりに; (…に)よれば; (…に)応じて, つれて, よって. 【副詞】 I acted strictly according to instruction. 厳密に指示どおりに行動した. 【+前置詞】 If everything goes according to plan, we'll be there b
        according as:    ~次第で、~に従って、~に準じて
        according to:    according to に因って によって よれば による によると に照らして にてらして よると によれば 応じて おうじて
        accounting:     accounting n. 報告すること; 会計, 計算, 計算法. 【動詞+】 Sooner or later the administration will have to give an accounting for its conduct. いずれは行政当局はその処置について釈明せざるを得まい give an accounting of medical expe
        department:     department n. 部門; (米英の行政組織の)省; (英国の行政組織の)局, 部; (大学などの)学科. 【動詞+】 It affects all departments of life. それは人生のあらゆる方面に影響を及ぼす change departments 学科を変える close (down) a department ある部門を


  1. "according to studies on mice" 意味
  2. "according to supply and demand" 意味
  3. "according to that journal, his claims are false" 意味
  4. "according to the 1986 agreement, we were not permitted to change the level of investment. 1986" 意味
  5. "according to the above definition" 意味
  6. "according to the affidavit, …" 意味
  7. "according to the agenda" 意味
  8. "according to the aptitude of" 意味
  9. "according to the article, she died in new york" 意味
  10. "according to the 1986 agreement, we were not permitted to change the level of investment. 1986" 意味
  11. "according to the above definition" 意味
  12. "according to the affidavit, …" 意味
  13. "according to the agenda" 意味

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