according to the old calendar 意味

  • 暦の上では


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. note: dates shown are according to the old calendar
  2. * dates are according to the old calendar (until december 2 , 1872 )
  3. * dates are according to the old calendar .
  4. setsubun bantoro festival (the last day of winter according to the old calendar )
  5. dates are described according to the old calendar until the fourth year of the meiji period .



  1. "according to the newspaper" 意味
  2. "according to the newspaper reports" 意味
  3. "according to the newspapers" 意味
  4. "according to the number of" 意味
  5. "according to the official figures" 意味
  6. "according to the order of the citation" 意味
  7. "according to the paper" 意味
  8. "according to the papers" 意味
  9. "according to the patient's symptoms" 意味
  10. "according to the number of" 意味
  11. "according to the official figures" 意味
  12. "according to the order of the citation" 意味
  13. "according to the paper" 意味

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