according to the prevailing view , it was 1573 in which nobunaga oda ousted the then present shogun , yoshiaki ashikaga . 織田信長が将軍足利義昭を追放した1573年が通説である。
according to the prevailing view , tenshin okakura (the forerunner of japanese art educators and researchers ) and ernest fenollosa (an american philosopher and an art historian ), who visited horyu-ji temple in 1884 (or 1886 ), opened the door of the zushi by brushing aside the opposition from buddhist priests; this is how the kannon statue came into view for the first time in hundreds of years . 通説では1884年(1886年とも)、法隆寺を訪れた岡倉天心(日本の美術教育、美術史研究の先駆者)とアーネスト・フェノロサ(アメリカ人の哲学者、美術史家)が寺僧の反対を押し切って厨子の扉を開け、観音像は数百年ぶりに姿を現わしたとされる。